Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Tangle The Night Away

One of the reasons I love to tangle is that there are no decisions to make. Well, there are but you just have to pick a pattern and start drawing. It doesn't matter which pattern-just pick one. And even when I make a mistake or don't like what I have done, the finished piece looks fine. Sometimes, better than fine surprisingly. You can start a tile and finish it the same day! I cannot tell you how many started but unfinished projects are in my sewing room. 

Speaking of my sewing room, I'm thinking about calling it to "my art studio". Doesn't that sound more creative? Just think of all that fabric filled with patterns! The quilting books with pages and pages of quilt block patterns that could inspire new strings and tangles.

I could spend hours creating but there's one thing standing in my way. It's called a J O B. I mean I like my job. And I like my coworkers. But I want to make and create my art. So I've have to make a plan. How soon could I retire? But in the meantime, for several hours each evening, I'm going to pretend I'm retired and tangle my night away.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Where does the time go? I can't believe it's March already. At least I tangled today! It is so relaxing and rewarding.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Tried two new tangles today - Flower Box and Tesali. It's nice to add new patterns to the old. So many possibilities!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I can't believe I have been tangling for almost a year. It is one of the most relaxing art forms I have ever attempted. Even when I'm not happy with a particular area, I am pleased with the completed piece. I hope to share some of my work in order to inspire others. It's my "me time" each day after doing the things I have to do. And it makes me very happy.